February 1, 2023

8 Ways To Save Money on a Gluten-Free Diet

I vividly remember the first grocery shop I did after being diagnosed with celiac disease. I was in utter amazement at my options and at the fact that there seemed to be replacements for everything that I thought I would really miss. Now that I’ve gone through this a few years, though, I’ve found a few ways to have fun and keep eating tasty, nutritious, gluten-free meals while holding on to my hard-earned cash. Look for foods that are naturally gluten-free. Shopping the gluten-free section is not the budget way to avoid gluten. There are plenty of foods that are gluten-free […]
January 14, 2023

Gluten-Free Bread That Tastes Like Real Thing?

I’m going to tell you all something that you probably already know. Regardless of the plethora of gluten-free breads and baked goods out there, one thing continues to remain certain: none of them taste all that good. But you may want to start to get excited, because it looks like that may be about to change. Thanks to Italian food scientist duo Virna Cerne and Ombretta Polenghi, your gluten-free bread may soon get a major upgrade. Cerne and Polenghi, partners at Italian-based food company Dr. Schar, have come up with a quality gluten substitute that closely mimicks the real thing. […]
January 9, 2023

Gluten-Free Pumpkin-Almond Bread

This good-for-everyone breakfast or treat bread, served at Hanson Mesa Bed & Breakfast in Hotchkiss, Colorado, can also be made into three 3×6-inch mini loaves for gifts; cook at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. You can substitute 1 teaspoon pumpkin-pie spice for the cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg and cardamom. Ingredients: 4 cups almond flour 3/4 cup natural cane sugar 1 tsp. baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1/4 cup grapeseed oil 1 cup organic pumpkin puree 1/2 cup chopped pecans 3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp. ground allspice 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/8 […]
December 16, 2022

7 Steps to the Perfect Gluten-Free Pie Crust

If you’re anything like me, finding the perfect gluten-free pie crust recipe has not been an easy task. Gluten-free baking and pies, as I’ve written before, require a lot of experimentation! It’s not just about replacing gluten-free for regular flour. We all know that great pie crust requires that perfect combination of flaky and moist, but I personally have baked many a pie where the crust is either too hard or crumbles instantly! And it just leaves you so unsatisfied. Well, after lots of searching, buying, trying, tweaking, and fixing, here is my 7 step process for coming up with […]
November 7, 2022

Fight Allergies with GF Apple Barley Salad!

When pollen is flying through the air on a summer breeze, foods that reduce allergy symptoms can be a lifesaver. I immediately head to my kitchen to make my Apple Barley Salad. Eating specific compounds—such as the FoodTrients omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, gingerol, oleuropein, and quercitin, as well as probiotics—go a long way toward reducing the swelling of nasal passages and the production of antihistamines. The old adage about an apple a day is really true for allergy sufferers. Apples contain quercitin, which supports the immune system, reduces inflammation, and may reduce allergic sensitivity. Quercitin is found not only in […]
October 11, 2022

How To Go Gluten-Free as a Senior

As awareness of gluten issues grow, more and more people – including seniors – are being diagnosed with celiac disease and gluten allergies. While learning to live a gluten-free lifestyle can be daunting to anyone, it provides unique challenges to seniors over age 65. Here, we address some challenges seniors going gluten-free may grapple with. GETTING DIAGNOSED WITH A GLUTEN SENSITIVITY Once considered a disease that affects mainly children, doctors now know that gluten issues can affect anyone at any age. But for older people who may be grappling with other health issues, getting a proper diagnosis can be tricky […]
September 25, 2022

8 High Fiber Gluten-Free Foods You Should Be Eating

One of the downsides of following a strict gluten-free diet is that you lose a lot of your fiber sources, as many fiber-rich foods are wheat-based. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet for numerous reasons: It helps maintain an environment of healthy gut bacteria It helps with constipation It aids in healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels It helps treat belly bloat It makes you feel fuller for longer It helps you maintain a healthy weight It helps avoid complications like heart disease, diabetes, and colon cancer Long story short: fiber is crucial. Studies show the average […]
August 30, 2022

India’s Lassi Gets a New Twist with Soursop

Soursop (Guanabana) Lassi From my first book, The Age GRACEFULLY Cookbook, here is an easy and delicious beverage featuring guanabana. Called, Soursop Lassi, it’s essentially a lassi drink from India made with yogurt and a pinch of salt. Mango lassi is very popular in Indian restaurants. I put a South American spin on the healthful drink by using guanabana in place of the mango. Guanabana provides antioxidants, immune-boosting vitamin C and riboflavin. Yogurt has beneficial probiotics that aid digestion and gut health. Learn more about the benefits of soursop here. You can find frozen guanabana pulp in Latin markets. Ingredients […]
June 7, 2022

Gluten-Free Diet Is More Than Fad

While an estimated 1% of the population suffers from celiac disease, a whopping 29% of the American population say they’re trying to cut back or eliminate gluten from their diets. So why are so many people avoiding gluten if only 1% of the population has celiac disease? Science is showing more and more that this is not black and white – there are reasons that go beyond the latest trends explaining why so many people are avoiding gluten. While many people have dismissed this huge boom in gluten-free dieting as a fad with no scientific basis, studies are slowly beginning […]