April 23, 2024

Want To Reverse Disease? Here’s How To UnDo It!

When you make a mistake on your computer, there’s often a very simple way to fix it: just select the “undo” option. It’s like magic – allowing you to reverse what you’ve done and proceed as if it never happened. If only there were as simple a solution to our health problems! Dean Ornish, M.D., has directed revolutionary research proving, for the first time, that lifestyle changes can often reverse—undo!—the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases and even begin reversing aging at a cellular level. The Ornish diet was developed in 1977 by Dr. Ornish, […]
April 9, 2024

Embracing Elderhood: A Plan for Longer Life

Finally! A practical guide to walk you through the process of planning for a longer life. Using her years of experience as an Elder Law and Estate Planning attorney, and the personal lessons she learned walking her own parents through this process, Laurie Menzies explains, in practical terms, the best way to plan for this stage of life. Her book, Embracing Elderhood: Planning for the Next Stage of Life, does not provide answers to the crisis of aging—instead, it offers options that are available both to the families with the foresight to plan, as well as to those who made […]
March 27, 2024

5 Best Foods for Beautiful Skin

Here Are 5 Great Foods for Your Skin Winter weather is not kind to our skin. Dryness, redness, flaking or general discomfort abounds as the colder weather continues and we head towards spring. Aside from a slew of lotions and products you are what you eat and your skin is no exception. Foods that are good for your skin, helping to hydrate and guard from environmental damage, have a few things in common including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Studies show that antioxidants in foods may work by breaking down and neutralizing free radicals, protecting skin from the sun and increasing […]
March 27, 2024

Can Genius Foods Make You Smarter, Happier?

Max Lugavere has always been interested in nutrition, but it wasn’t until his mother started showing the early signs of dementia that he started researching the link between food and the brain. “After the trauma of her diagnosis and seeing the way cases like hers are treated in the top neurology departments in the U.S., I became laser-focused on learning how food affects cognition,” says Lugavere.  “What shocked me was finding that often, changes begin in the brain decades before the first symptom. I decided to use my platform to educate others on how powerful their choices are when it […]
March 12, 2024

12 Ways To Practice Happiness Daily

On a quest to achieve richer fulfillment in your life? While happiness may be relative, there are actions you can take every day to keep your mind positive and your body at its best. Here are 12 happiness activities to exercise daily, excerpted and adapted with permission from the book The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky. 1. Express gratitude Bolsters self-esteem; encourages moral behavior; diminishes feelings of anger and bitterness. Strategies: Keep a gratitude journal. Express gratitude directly to someone else, either in person or by writing a letter that you can send or keep. 2. Cultivate optimism Prompts […]
March 12, 2024

Top 10 FoodTrients To Heal Your Gut

Health issues can occur anywhere along the GI tract from heartburn and stomach pain to absorption problems in the small intestine and disturbances in the flora of the large intestine. No fear! Healthy, whole foods can heal the gut anywhere you encounter problems. Here are the FoodTrients top 10 foods that heal the gut: 1. Aloe Soothing aloe can be used for more than just a sunburn. Aloe can be used as a laxative to relieve constipation and improve stool consistency. It sooths the skin in the mouth and gums, providing healing effects to the inside of the body. Aloe […]
March 12, 2024

Prebiotics: Why Do We Need Them?

Prebiotics are the fuel that feed probiotics and make them effective in supporting human health – especially gut health. But what are they and where do you find them? Questions abound about this frequently talked about but often misunderstood component of food that all of us need for good health. Do not get prebiotics confused with the very similar-sounding probiotics. Prebiotics exist naturally in food as non-digestible component that supports good bacteria in your lower gut. They are a type of carbohydrate that cannot be broken down. Prebiotic food compounds pass through the small intestine undigested so that good bacteria […]
February 13, 2024

Let’s Celebrate the Year of the Dragon!

Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year, is a very important holiday for me. Although I was born and raised in Southeast Asia, my father was three-quarters Chinese and my mother was half Chinese. We always celebrated the lunar new year by making special meals full of symbolism. For instance, we made a sweet sticky rice cake called tikoy because it symbolizes unity and togetherness and good luck that is supposed to stick to you all year long. We also cleaned the house and bought new clothes to wear on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. And […]
February 13, 2024

TOP Supplements for Your HEART

February is not only a time to celebrate love and relationships but it is also American Hearth Month. This important theme helps to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease including stroke. The good news is, though heart disease affects many people and is the leading cause of death for Americans, that your risk can be lowered by up to 80 percent by making good diet and lifestyle choices. Important factors for heart health: Manage your stress Exercise regularly Focus on sleep Consume alcohol in moderation Meet with your doctor to discuss labs and testing to monitor your health Eat heart healthy […]