November 16, 2024

Turkey 3 Ways: Basic to International Flavors

Don’t you love Thanksgiving? It’s when the holiday season starts in earnest, yet there are no gifts to buy, no tree to trim, just a great meal with treasured friends and family. The Thanksgiving menu is by nature a healthy one—high in protein, low-calorie turkey, lots of FoodTrient-rich vegetables. Swap out butter-laden mashed potatoes for delicious whole grains, and you’ve made Thanksgiving dinner even better when it comes to reducing calories. Let’s Talk Turkey 101 Most experts agree that a hen turkey is better than a tom because they have smaller bones and more edible portions. Hens weigh less than […]
February 13, 2024

Beginner’s Guide Explains Ayurveda

When Susan Weis-Bohlen came across the Ayurvedic cleansing technique of panchakarma, she could not have imagined how the wisdom of Ayurveda would take shape in her life. What began as the release of damaging toxins and personal difficulties eventually grew into an impassioned vocation to guide others in their journeys towards a healthier state of mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda is a profound science with wisdom spanning so wide that it can be difficult to know exactly where to begin. As an Ayurvedic consultant, Weis-Bohlen helps those who are new to Ayurveda address this exact issue. In Ayurveda Beginners Guide […]
January 30, 2023

Centenarians Abound in Isolated Nicoya

This is the last of our 5-part series on life in the “Blue Zones,” where people live longer, healthy lives. Each part looks into the diets and lifestyles of the areas where longevity is a normal part of aging better. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets? Nicoya is an 80-mile peninsula located in the northeastern part of Costa Rica. This isolated area has a high population of centenarians and has been classified as a “Blue Zone” — a geographical region that has a significantly higher proportion of long-lived individuals compared to averages around the world. Nutrition plays a significant […]
December 4, 2022

This Spice Blend Can Help Your Heart Health

More than just flavor enhancers, many common spices do a lot more for your health than you probably think . In fact, a recent study showed a specific spice blend actually lowered triglycerides — a risk factor for heart disease. The results were published in the journal Nutrition Today. Below, we’ll explore the study and its potential implications. Spice Blend Lowers Triglyceride Levels by 31% Researchers from Penn State wanted to investigate the role of spices on heart health. They also reviewed previous studies showing the cardiac benefits of garlic and cinnamon. For the study, they recruited six overweight men between the ages of 30 to […]
October 23, 2022

Spice It Up With These Indian Superfoods

Indian food is a hot trend today. It has expanded beyond traditional Indian restaurants onto menus all over the country. It’s no wonder. Today’s more adventurous diners have embraced Indian flavors for some time now, and Indian spices like ginger, coriander, cumin, cayenne, cloves, cardamom and turmeric have been enhancing everything from sweet potato fries to chicken salad. But the added bonus of Indian cuisine is that many of its signature foods have long been prized for their healing properties as well as their great flavors. Ayurveda is the name for India’s ancient medical practices. Most Indian super foods have […]
September 25, 2022

Molé! Spice Up Your Life & Longevity

Do you want to spice up your life while making meals that help you look and feel younger? Get ready for a delicious dish that can do just that – my Turkey with Molé Sauce, which is featured in my cookbook – The Age Beautifully Cookbook. I created an easy ways to help you make your own favorite recipes anti-aging. I’ve been researching spice mixes so I can boost the benefits in all of my recipes and yours. Where to begin? I started by identifying all the spices in my kitchen cabinet that are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories: turmeric, mustard, […]
September 25, 2022

Okinawans Know the Secrets of Long Life

This is the first in our 5-part series on life in the “Blue Zones,” where people live longer, healthy lives. Each part will look into the diets and lifestyles of the areas where longevity is a normal part of aging better. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets? Okinawa has a population that has been researched in-depth due to the fact that it’s been ranked as one of the top life expectancy locations in the world for several years in a row. The island of Okinawa, off the coast of Japan, is considered a “Blue Zone” which is a geographical […]
May 31, 2022

Tandoori Spice Mix

This spice blend from India gives an exotic twist to summer barbeques! Shake it onto beef, lamb, chicken, shrimp or swordfish before grilling. Benefits: The spices in this mix act as powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatories (especially ginger and turmeric which is enhanced by black pepper), antibacterials, and antiseptics (nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon). Cumin may even have potential antidepressant or anti-anxiety properties. Yields about 2/3 cup Ingredients 3 Tbs. ground ginger 3 Tbs. ground coriander seeds 1 Tbs. ground cumin 2 Tbs. Hungarian or Spanish paprika 1 Tbs. ground black pepper 2 tsp. sea salt 1½ tsp. ground turmeric 1½ tsp. ground […]
May 31, 2022

Chaat Masala Spice Blend for Beauty

You almost always find this simple spice blend in Indian homes where they add it to fruit salads or sprinkled onto melon. It’s also good when added to grilled chicken or fish. You can find amchur (dried mango powder) on and even in Wal-Mart. Benefits: Mangos have vitamin C which aids tissue regeneration because it’s a precursor to collagen; folate which promotes healthy red blood cell production and supports natural cell growth and replication; and cancer-fighting and immune-boosting carotenoid antioxidants. Yields about ¼ cup Ingredients 2 Tbs. cumin seeds, roasted for a minute over medium heat, then ground 1 […]