Discover Our Anti-Aging Recipes

The worlds of food and medicine have never been as connected as they are today, but we all have much to learn about anti-aging superfoods and the health benefits they offer. The anti-aging recipes on are developed to deliver a variety of healthy aging benefits along with great-tasting anti-aging dishes. Each recipe includes one of our 9 benefit icons, which include anti-inflammatory recipes, detox recipes, antioxidant recipes, disease preventing recipes, immunity boosting food, recipes for gut health, and much more.

At FoodTrients, we believe that eating for longevity should be both delicious and functional. Healthy aging is about wellness and vitality, and our anti-aging dishes, superfood recipes, anti-inflammatory food, and articles are a great way to spice up your life and your health.

Discover the benefits of anti-aging superfoods and how to age beautifully with our, anti-aging recipes, cookbooks, resources, and health news!

April 1, 2011


Sed hendrerit lorem porttitor dolor gravida placerat aliquet odio tincidunt. Aenean tempor velit a mi varius eleifend. Ut luctus, leo et tincidunt varius, purus est euismod velit, eget rutrum arcu leo quis lectus. Praesent rutrum urna eget purus vehicula lobortis. Nunc semper mauris aliquet sem porta ullamcorper. Curabitur consequat urna non massa dictum dignissim. Aliquam ut massa dolor, ac pharetra risus. Aliquam porttitor tortor sit amet nunc imperdiet fermentum. Ut id tellus eget ligula volutpat pharetra nec id augue. Praesent lobortis magna vel sapien porta pulvinar. Nam nec turpis sit amet leo laoreet aliquet. Nam a est sed metus vestibulum […]
March 26, 2011

How Berries Protect the Brain

The 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society