June 3, 2014

Build Muscles With Glutamine

One of the most important things we can do for ourselves as we get older is maintain good muscle mass. It not only keeps us looking trim and fit but it helps us do even the simplest daily activities even better.
June 3, 2014

Weight Loss Calorie Burning Foods?

Here’s another wonderful myth out there. The idea that there are actual foods out there that ‘help’ you lose weight. That by some sheer miracle, when you eat these foods the weight melts off your body. Everything from ‘fat burning‘ foods, to the infamous ‘negative calorie‘ foods. Both of these ‘advertisements’ are trying to convince you that it takes more energy to consume these foods or the food itself is boosting your ‘fat burning ability’ (your metabolism). So you either have to burn more calories to consume the food in question than the amount of calories the food possesses (the […]
May 28, 2014

Study Proves It: Salt and Obesity Linked To Premature Aging

If I told you that by cutting out that salty bag of chips or pretzels every day at lunch will help you live longer, would you believe me?  As hard to believe as that may be, it’s true. Too much salt in your diet has recently been found to be associated with faster cellular aging.  Let me tell you more about it… Slow Aging Simply:  Cut Salt Intake, Watch Weight A couple months ago, researchers at Georgia Regents University conducted a study on whether high salt intake contributed to cellular aging.   For their test subjects, they zeroed in on teenagers […]
May 20, 2014

Nutrigenomics: The Future Of Smart Eating

For decades, the medical profession has taken a “one size fits all” approach to nutrition. Doctors and nutritionists often tell their patients to eat less fat and more vegetables, and supplement daily with vitamins and antioxidants.
May 20, 2014

3 Key Gluten-Free Carbs

When you found out you had to follow a gluten free diet, you probably had some anxiety. How were you going to eliminate major staples like bread, pasta, and cereal from your diet? The reason why it’s so difficult is because these foods are omnipresent throughout the average American diet. For the cereal-eater, breakfast becomes tough. For the sandwich-eater, lunch becomes challenging. For the pasta-eater, dinner becomes a struggle. The fact is, carbohydrates are important—and these grain-based foods are the ones most people are familiar with. The Importance of Carbohydrates and Differentiating Between Good and Bad  Carbohydrates provide energy to […]
May 20, 2014

Eating Red Pepper Helps Curb Appetite

A study has found that eating a moderate quantity of red pepper can help curb appetite. According to research from Purdue University, the peppers especially work for those who don’t normally eat the popular spice. “We found that consuming red pepper can help manage appetite and burn more calories after a meal, especially for individuals who do not consume the spice regularly,” Richard Mattes, distinguished professor of foods and nutrition who collaborated with doctoral student Mary-Jon Ludy, said. “This finding should be considered a piece of the puzzle because the idea that one small change will reverse the obesity epidemic is simply not […]
May 13, 2014

9 Things Everyone Should Know About Coffee

Coffee. Joe, java, go-go juice, nectar of the gods. Whatever you call it, coffee can be your best friend. These days it seems like there’s a coffee shop on every corner, just waiting to deliver the delicious, caffeinated beverage ready to get you going (and keep you going during long shifts!). As much as we know (and love) about the beverage, we found nine facts about coffee you may not have heard before. Which are news to you? 1. Creamer can keep your coffee warmer longer Whaaaa? Doesn’t this go against the laws of physics? Shouldn’t pouring cold cream into […]
May 13, 2014

Mangosteen Drink Is a Good Mood Lifter

It’s possible to adjust your mood by adjusting your diet. Certain FoodTrients—like choline, omega-3 fatty acids, and tryptophan (in poultry)—promote healthy neurotransmitters in the brain, allowing calming signals to get through more effectively. Many vitamins and minerals—especially B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc—are used up when we’re under stress and should be replenished ASAP. To contribute to a good mood, we should be eating whole grains, poultry, eggs, citrus, berries, and dark green veggies. Putting the right foods into our bodies is only half the battle. We also need to avoid foods that take down […]
May 13, 2014

Diet Could Hold Back Aging

Scientists in the North East may be a step closer to finding a way to slow down the aging process. Newcastle University has identified that damaged protein could be one of the key aspects to premature ageing. A team of experts found that the condition of key proteins in the mitochondria – the “batteries” of cells – could be used to predict, and eventually treat, premature aging. It was established that one way of slowing down the aging process was by restricting diet to reduce the number of calories consumed. A study with mice identified that by using calorie restriction, a […]
May 13, 2014

SuperFoods: Basil

Derived from the Greek word meaning royal, basil is a versatile herb that has lived up to its pedigree. With its wealth of nutrients, from hefty amounts of vitamin K and calcium, to its high antioxidant oils, basil offers an array of health-enhancing benefits ranging from protection against DNA damage to combating stress. In addition, the peppermint-like leaves of basil are loaded with beta-caryophyllene, an anti-inflammatory compound that may treat conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. An abundance of evidence is emerging to support basil’s reputation as an herbal remedy for thousands of years, making this undervalued herb a formidable opponent against some […]
May 6, 2014

The 7 Best Gluten-Free Pizza Delivery Places

There’s nothing like a good pizza. The combination of melted mozzarella, spicy sauce and warm crust is enough to make me drool as I write this. Since cutting gluten out of my diet I have experimented quite a lot (and in my humble opinion, perfected) making gluten-free pizza crust. But to be honest, what I miss the most is coming home after a long day of work and being able to pick up the phone and order a pie when I don’t have the energy to cook. When first starting out on a gluten-free diet, a lot of people think […]
May 6, 2014

Anti-appetite Pill Could Trounce Obesity

Scientists have successfully tracked the molecule that conveys the fullness signal to the brain, saying it could be used to make a revolutionary anti-appetite pill. The molecule, known as acetate, is released into the bowels upon digestion of fiber, which abounds in plants and vegetables, Press TV reported. The molecule then travels to the hypothalamus region of the brain, which controls hunger. Such pill would also dispose of cravings. Unfortunately, processed food-rife in the modern-day diet – does not produce acetate when digested. Prof Jimmy Bell, of the Medical Research Council, Cambridge, who collaborated in the research, said, ”It is exciting we […]
April 29, 2014

Resveratrol Improves Glucose Control In Diabetics

The results of a meta-analysis scheduled for publication in the June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicate that supplementing with resveratrol, a compound that occurs in red grapes and wine, could help improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity in men and women with diabetes without affecting glycemic measures in those without the disease. Researchers from Chongqing, China selected eleven randomized, controlled trials of resveratrol supplementation that included a total of 388 participants for their analysis.  Resveratrol dose ranged from 8 to 1500 milligrams per day for periods of two weeks to six months. Three of the trials involved diabetic subjects. […]