October 15, 2019

The Solid Case for Reef-Safe Sunscreen

Under the sea, vibrant, diverse ecosystems used to flourish. But today, coral reefs, also known as “rain forests of the sea,” are at risk. Whether on the shore or inland, consumerism—from plastic waste to chemical sunscreens—is harming ocean health. But could there be blue skies ahead for our blue waters? Maybe, but that depends on us. “People are waking up and recognizing that our lifestyles are having such a significant impact on the ocean that we can’t ignore it anymore,” says Vicki Nichols Goldstein, founder and executive director of the Inland Ocean Coalition and Colorado Ocean Coalition. “No matter where […]
October 2, 2019

VITAL Findings For Vitamin D and Omega-3

Analysis of data obtained in The VITamin D and OmegA-3 Trial (VITAL), which is the largest and most recent
October 1, 2019

Fight MS with Cappuccino?

Could coffee help stave off multiple sclerosis? A new international study suggests it might. “Caffeine intake has been associated with a reduced risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases,” the study’s lead author Ellen Mowry of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine told Medicalxpress.com. “Our study shows that coffee intake may also protect against MS, supporting the idea that the drug may have protective effects for the brain,” she said. Findings of the U.S. and Swedish study were released ahead of the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting inWashington, D.C. Researchers compared more than 1,000 MS patients to a similar […]
October 1, 2019

The Facts on Carb Loading

The single most important nutritional factor in athletic performance is, you guessed it, carbohydrate intake. As we dash into marathon and track season, many athletes are looking for ways to fuel their bodies properly and have an edge over the competition. Carbohydrates are indispensable to athletes; they are nature’s high-octane fuel for the body. Implementing carbohydrate loading is a relatively simple way to maximize performance. However, despite what your high school coach might have told you, it’s not just eating spaghetti the night before the event. Here are some tips for doing it right: Start early. Effective carb loading begins […]
October 1, 2019

8 Breathing Techniques To Calm Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States. Although they’re treatable, only 37 percent of those suffering receive treatment, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Anxiety comes with many physical symptoms, including chest pain, dizziness and brain fog. A panic attack or anxiety episode can be scary and difficult to manage, but experts agree breathing techniques can help during those times. Here are 8 ways to relieve the symptoms of anxiety through breathing. Deep breathing Taking calm, deep breaths can be soothing. It’s going to be best if you can be somewhere away from people […]
September 10, 2019

We’ve Got 20,000 Secrets About Tea For You

An ancient Chinese legend: Once there was a man who knew 100,000 healing properties of herbs. He
September 10, 2019

Chaste Tree Berry: It’s Good for Migraines

Weight management, acne, fertility, menopause – there are so many reasons to make sure hormones are balanced properly. When they’re not, the body can communicate in strong (and undesirable) ways. Herbal supplements can help and chaste tree berry – also called vitex and vitex agnus-castus – is one that shouldn’t be ignored. A shrub native to Mediterranean regions, it has a long history of medicinal use, especially for hormone abnormalities and gynecological issues in women. Vitex is used for: Menstrual disorders (painful menses, lack of menses, heavy menses) PMS and menopausal symptoms Infertility in women Increasing lactation Acne Migraine and […]
September 10, 2019

The Right Sunglasses To Protect Your Eyes This Summer

Sunglasses that provide maximum UV protection can still be fashionable. Your time outside can quickly lead to an increased risk of exposure to dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause a sun spot on the white of the eye called a pinguecula. These may look yellow in appearance and cause irritation over time. Moreover, long-term exposure to harmful UV rays can cause the formation of cataracts, leading to blurred vision and can ultimately require cataract surgery to correct. Unfortunately, most people aren’t doing enough to protect their eyes from the sun, even if they are aware of the risks. Consider […]
September 10, 2019

Soft Drink Intake Associated With Risk of Death

A study published on September 3, 2019 in JAMA Internal Medicine found that regular
August 20, 2019

Simple Ways To Fire Up Your Metabolism

If you’re over 40, I don’t have to tell you that you’ve probably gained some unwanted pounds. You may
July 23, 2019

Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

Probiotics can help your stomach feel better, but can they “slim” your stomach too? It’s been hypothesized that gut bacteria influence weight. The overuse of antibiotics has been linked to weight gain, and studies have shown differences in the flora of obese and thin animals. Researchers in Quebec wanted to test this hypothesis by giving overweight people probiotics, and the results were somewhat of a surprise. Ready? Women Taking Probiotics Lost Weight Scientists recruited 125 obese people and randomly split them into two groups. One group was given a probiotic containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The other group received a placebo. All subjects participated […]
July 23, 2019

Fruit Juices Could Increase Diabetes Risk

Fruit can be an excellent snack, but are you eating it the right way? Yes, there actually is a “right way” to eat fruit
July 23, 2019

Skipping Food? 6 Ways To Balance Your Nutrition

Specialized eating plans are no longer that “special.” In a recent Nielsen survey, 31% of responders said that they or someone in their household avoid certain foods