190 results found for: Bones

Slow Cooker Cooking: It Warms the Soul

My fans have let me know how much they enjoy crockpot cooking, so I love including slow cooker recipes on the website and in my cookbooks. Slow cookers allow busy families the chance to come home to long-simmered soups, sauces, stews and other comforting meals that warm the soul. The trick to developing or converting recipes for slow cookers is to correctly estimate the liquid needed. Figure that about 2 cups of liquid will be evaporated during the cooking process over six to eight hours, so plan accordingly. For instance, if you want to make chicken soup or minestrone soup […]

Melatonin Preserves Bone Mass

Age-related bone loss is a serious condition. It not only increases the risk for fractures, but also increases the risk for death from heart and lung disease and all-cause death, especially if bone loss occurs quickly. This is why it’s so important to stay active as we age, as this can preserve bone mass and strength. We also need to obtain adequate amounts of calcium, magnesium, and vitamins D and K2 through diet and supplementation. For many aging people, however, this still isn’t enough. Bone loss continues despite all their efforts. This means that a lot of people end up taking prescription […]

This 1 Nutrient Prevents Hip Fracture Better than Calcium

You’ve heard that, as you get older, you need more calcium to protect your bones against fracture – especially disabling and, potentially deadly, hip fractures.  And, that’s true – especially if you’re a post menopausal woman.  But, it’s not the only mineral you need.  New research has found that magnesium may be better at protecting specifically against hip fracture than calcium in both men and women.  But, like most Americans, you likely are deficient in it, as nearly 75% of them are.  Here’s what you need to know about magnesium and your hips.

Study Proves It: Salt and Obesity Linked To Premature Aging

If I told you that by cutting out that salty bag of chips or pretzels every day at lunch will help you live longer, would you believe me?  As hard to believe as that may be, it’s true. Too much salt in your diet has recently been found to be associated with faster cellular aging.  Let me tell you more about it… Slow Aging Simply:  Cut Salt Intake, Watch Weight A couple months ago, researchers at Georgia Regents University conducted a study on whether high salt intake contributed to cellular aging.   For their test subjects, they zeroed in on teenagers […]

Is This Old Supplement The New Key To Osteoporosis?

You’ve likely heard about melatonin.  It’s a supplement that’s been around for a few decades now.  It was originally touted as a cure for jet lag and even everyday insomnia. Yet, further research on melatonin revealed that it’s benefits were much more extensive than a sleep aid.  Recently researchers in Toronto have uncovered yet another benefit of melatonin that has special importance to older people and their bones.  Here’s what they found… Is Melatonin The New Key To Osteoporosis? As I mentioned above, we’ve known for a few decades now how great melatonin is for helping with sleep disorders.  But […]

Meat, Dairy And Prostate Health Knowledge

Many of my male patients enjoy eating red meat and consuming dairy products on a regular basis. Indeed, red

Fabulous Figs Deliver Calcium, Fiber and Flavor

Figs can be dried and enjoyed all year long, but there is nothing better than fresh figs in the summer. I think figs can turn a bland salad into an elegant entrée, and they can enhance the flavor of  meat beautifully, so I like to marinate my rack of lamb in a fig and onion paste. I included my Rack of Lamb with Fig Sauce recipe (below) in my newest cookbook, The Age Beautifully Cookbook, and it has been a favorite at dinner parties. Lamb has protein for building muscle and plenty of vitamin B12, which protects neurons and brain […]

Is Beer A Health Drink?

Alcohol is always a tricky subject to cover. Some people don’t approve of alcohol because it can be addictive, it can impair your judgment, and it can cause health problems. While these arguments are all true, they are all also the result of overdrinking. I want to be very clear that I do not advocate or recommend over-consuming alcohol. Beer Delivers Nutrients Your Heart Needs Heart disease is the number one killer in this country. So any news about things you can do that can help prevent heart disease is important. In two large studies reported on in the Wall Street journal, […]

Crucial Vitamins You’re Missing On GF Diet

If you’re familiar with governmental dietary recommendations, you’ve probably heard the phrase rainbow on your plate. This means that different color groupings of foods generally represent different health benefits, meaning a colorful whole foods diet is a nutritious way to eat. This is great advice for anyone following a gluten-free diet because it demonstrates a very easy method for balanced nutrition through daily diet. Right? Well, right. But, it’s a little bit more complicated on a gluten-free diet because there are common nutrients missing as a result of not eating certain foods. These missing nutrients can actually be helpful because they give […]