81 results found for: Celiac

Cool Down with Gazpacho & GF Croutons

Usually as we near the end of September, I’m blogging about yummy Fall soups and stews, pot pies and warm, baked breads. Can you believe this heat? I couldn’t bring myself to share a steaming hot recipe with you without breaking a sweat just thinking about it. Not only did I want to share something cool and refreshing, I wanted it to include tomatoes. Have you seen the tomatoes lately?! They are so fresh, so colorful and so tasty. My father’s gazpacho recipe has been a family staple for decades, and it’s the perfect pair to freshly baked gluten-free croutons. […]

Gluten-Free Diet Is More Than Fad

While an estimated 1% of the population suffers from celiac disease, a whopping 29% of the American population say they’re trying to cut back or eliminate gluten from their diets. So why are so many people avoiding gluten if only 1% of the population has celiac disease? Science is showing more and more that this is not black and white – there are reasons that go beyond the latest trends explaining why so many people are avoiding gluten. While many people have dismissed this huge boom in gluten-free dieting as a fad with no scientific basis, studies are slowly beginning […]

Gluten-Free Bread That Tastes Like Real Thing?

I’m going to tell you all something that you probably already know. Regardless of the plethora of gluten-free breads and baked goods out there, one thing continues to remain certain: none of them taste all that good. But you may want to start to get excited, because it looks like that may be about to change. Thanks to Italian food scientist duo Virna Cerne and Ombretta Polenghi, your gluten-free bread may soon get a major upgrade. Cerne and Polenghi, partners at Italian-based food company Dr. Schar, have come up with a quality gluten substitute that closely mimicks the real thing. […]

Fight Allergies with GF Apple Barley Salad!

When pollen is flying through the air on a summer breeze, foods that reduce allergy symptoms can be a lifesaver. I immediately head to my kitchen to make my Apple Barley Salad. Eating specific compounds—such as the FoodTrients omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, gingerol, oleuropein, and quercitin, as well as probiotics—go a long way toward reducing the swelling of nasal passages and the production of antihistamines. The old adage about an apple a day is really true for allergy sufferers. Apples contain quercitin, which supports the immune system, reduces inflammation, and may reduce allergic sensitivity. Quercitin is found not only in […]

The Secret To Eating Gluten

Scientists have discovered a new way in which celiac patients may be able to digest gluten – with the help of an enzyme extracted from carnivorous plants. Pitcher plants, which have a cup-like shape

Try These Top 5 Gluten-Free Hot Cereals

Winter mornings can be tough. Waking up when it’s still dark out, the cold of the floor when climbing out of bed and the thought of the inevitable frosted car windshield never fail to make a person want to crawl back under the covers. Cold cereal in the winter just didn’t cut it, because the versatility of deciding what to add to hot cereal was much more appealing. Fresh berries, slivered almonds, flax, raisins, brown sugar, the possibilities really are endless! Oats were problematic and cream of wheat was completely off limits. What other options are out there? It is relatively simple to […]

Feeling Down? It May Not Be Just The Winter Blues…

If you are feeling blue, fatigued or having trouble remembering things and you think it’s just winter doldrums – think  again. It is just possible you might not be getting enough vitamin B12, and you have a deficiency that can cause serious problems, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The many body systems affected by vitamin B12 deficiency underscore the vitamin’s importance in their proper functioning. “The deficiency of the vitamin appears to mimic symptoms of seriously degenerative diseases, and often is not diagnosed ,” said Sally Pacholok, a registered nurse who was diagnosed with a B12 […]

The Top 50 Foods To Eat for Your Heart

You have probably heard about “heart healthy” foods. So many whole foods are considered supportive of the cardiovascular system for a number of reasons ranging from fiber content to omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidant compounds. Because February is National Heart Month , we wanted to focus on foods that are good for your heart. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients list of the Top 50 foods we love for your heart. Mix and match these healthy whole foods to include them in your diet daily to support your heart. 1. Almonds Packed with healthful plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, almonds may […]

gluten-free grains

Gluten-Free Snacks We Can’t Resist

With the gluten-free food industry as booming as ever, there are new snacks popping up at the grocery store at an alarming rate. The food industry has been doing their best to answer the desires of many consumers who want their snacks to be three things: gluten-free, relatively healthy, and delicious. Our team of snackers did all of the grueling groundwork and have compiled a list of our favorite gluten-free snacks that recently made their debut. Wait until you get to the end of the list before rushing out to the grocery store – every single one is worth trying. […]

Becoming More Aware of Chronic Inflammation

It seems as if we’re hearing more and more about inflammation and how it causes disease. What is inflammation