July 14, 2024

Meloniscious! How To Pick (and Eat) Perfect Melons

Today’s melons are way beyond your standard cantaloupes, honeydews and watermelons (though they are delicious this time of year). Exploring the produce section, I came across some newer variety melons I hadn’t seen before. Luckily, they were sampling.  Here are some varieties that you might want to sample for yourself: Sugar Kiss – Round with netted skin and light salmon-colored flesh. The texture is soft, juicy and sweet like candy. Golden Kiss– This is a very flavorful Charentais variety. You can spot it by the netted skin and distinctive green ribs. The flesh is firm and a deep orange color with […]
July 14, 2024

What Foods Can Help Improve Your Mind?

MIND What foods can you eat to improve your mind? Watch the video to find out. Learn more about brain-boosting foods in these articles: MIND Diet Could Help Prevent Dementia Diet for the Mind Fights Memory Loss Learn more about the FoodTrients’ foods for the MIND from our nutritionist Ginger Hultin: Feeding your brain the right nutrients is key to a happy and healthy life. Learn more about which foods can help keep you focused and support your mind from FoodTrients’ contributing nutritionist Ginger Hultin, MS RDN CSO: How to Feed Your Brain and Keep Sharp FoodTrients recipes that support […]
July 14, 2024

Know How To Eat? This Book Makes It Easy

Shouldn’t “how to eat” be clear already? In a way, it is. Every animal knows how to eat, and only in humans (and the animals under their control) has this been perverted. In the last century or so, we’ve been led astray. And we’re so far from our origins that it’s proving hard to find our way back. Yet there’s nothing more important: Food is the fuel that runs every function of the complex human machine. It is the source of construction material for the growing bodies of children and all the replacements adult bodies require each day. What we […]
July 2, 2024

Foods That Can Help You Feel Full and Lose Weight

It may seem counterintuitive that eating certain foods can support weight loss but studies have shown a link between some types of foods and better weight management. For example, high fiber foods including whole grains, fruit, vegetables and nuts have been associated with lower body mass index (BMI) in large human studies. A feeling of fullness and concentrated nutrients in these foods may be part of the connection to a reduced BMI, smaller waist circumference and reduced risk of being overweight. It should be noted that simply increasing the amount of any of these foods listed below will not in […]
June 17, 2024

Longevity: The Secrets of Mediterranean Cuisine

I’ve written about Mediterranean cuisine and the Mediterranean diet before. But it’s worth writing about again because it’s so delicious and so good for you! Cardiologists recommend a Mediterranean diet with its healthy fats, lean proteins and whole grains for weight control and a healthy heart. If there is one word that most defines the cuisines of the Mediterranean, it’s VEGETABLES! Sure, there’s plenty of meat, chicken, seafood and fruit, but the basis is an abundance of vegetables and creative ways to enjoy them. When describing a Mediterranean diet, we’re talking about the cuisines of Southern Europe—France, Spain, Italy, Greece, […]
June 1, 2024

Eat To Build, Repair and Maintain Muscle

Even if you don’t consider yourself an athlete or body-builder—as I certainly do not—you should be concerned with muscle health. Skeletal muscles are the tissues that enable your body to move, whether it’s gardening, a stroll in the park or a triathlon. Smooth or visceral muscles are the ones that line the stomach, intestines and blood vessels. And keep in mind that the all-important heart is made up of specialized cardiac muscle that must work continuously without a break our whole lives. In total, muscles account for about half your body weight. That’s a lot of mass to keep healthy […]
May 7, 2024

4 Spring Veggies Sprouting in Stores Now

Spring is here and we’re celebrating all of the fresh produce that’s arriving in stores now. Four veggies to look for now are asparagus, leeks, endive and spring onions. We’ve added a few cooking and buying tips, too. Asparagus Early-season asparagus features bright green stalks with purple-tinted tips. Buy bunches with firm stalks and tightly closed tops. Refrigerate the bunch standing up in a cup of water. Eat up: Drizzle stalks with olive oil, dust with sea salt and black pepper and roast at 400 degrees until tender. Or stir 2-inch pieces of asparagus into risotto in the last five […]
April 23, 2024

Try These Top 50 Foods for Your GI System

How’s your gastrointestinal system feeling these days? From the incredible science of the microbiome to general tummy troubles like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and pain – the role and health of the ‘GI’ system is on everyone’s mind, especially during the eating-holidays of fall and winter. There are some common denominators to keeping the gut happy. Fiber, anti-inflammatory foods, and soothing substances top the list of 50 foods that support the GI system. Whether you’re feeding the gut with prebiotics, inoculating it with probiotics or simply feeding it to make it work smoothly, you should include these foods in your […]
April 23, 2024

Want To Reverse Disease? Here’s How To UnDo It!

When you make a mistake on your computer, there’s often a very simple way to fix it: just select the “undo” option. It’s like magic – allowing you to reverse what you’ve done and proceed as if it never happened. If only there were as simple a solution to our health problems! Dean Ornish, M.D., has directed revolutionary research proving, for the first time, that lifestyle changes can often reverse—undo!—the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases and even begin reversing aging at a cellular level. The Ornish diet was developed in 1977 by Dr. Ornish, […]