September 1, 2022

Cookbook Delivers Recipes from Around the World for Better Aging

ANTI-AGING DISHES FROM AROUND THE WORLD By Grace O ISBN-13: 9781510768604 Publisher: Skyhorse Publication date: August 2022 Hardcover/$29.99 FOR MEDIA INQUIRIES, TO REQUEST A REVIEW COPY AND TO SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW, CONTACT: Trina Kaye – The Trina Kaye Organization / 310-963-3964   “Over the years I’ve told my patients that when trying to lose weight, or to just get healthier, you don’t have to go on a bland, tasteless diet regimen. This cookbook proves my case.” – Mark Rosenberg, M.D. New Cookbook Delivers Recipes from Around the World for Better Aging Award-winning cookbook author and chef, Grace O, provides […]
July 30, 2022

What is a FoodTrient?

The inspiration for my empowering FoodTrients program—this website, the cookbook, my board of advisors—really came from my father.  He was a physician and he had a way of looking at food as though it could heal us.  He understood the value of the vitamins and minerals found in fresh foods and how those elements could influence our health.  Foods like organic fruits and vegetables, wild fish, and humanely raised animals have so many good things in it: antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory agents, fiber, and anti-bacterial compounds.  I needed to come up with a term to encompass the […]
May 30, 2022

Age Beautifully with FoodTrients

As I’ve been telling my story these past few years about how I developed an anti-aging cookbook based on the food-is-medicine principle called FoodTrients, I’ve expanded my method for creating delicious, comforting recipes designed to keep you young, healthy and beautiful. It’s a lot easier than I imagined, and it’s the focus of The AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World. The recipes are mainly quick and easy to make, and will introduce readers to age-defying foods and flavors from around the world, with a focus on beauty that emanates from the inside. As I […]
February 2, 2021

Grace O’s Long Journey To FoodTrients

Long before the idea of FoodTrients was born, I ran a culinary school, owned restaurants and wrote a food column in Southeast Asia. So it made perfect sense that when I first moved to America 20-plus years ago, I would open a bakery. I love to bake, and cakes were my specialty. But the long hours and the need for far more support than I could afford then, caused me to close the bakery. It broke my heart at the time, but it was one of the best things that happened to me because it changed the course of my […]
December 5, 2017

Grace O Speaks About Cancer Prevention

On November 2, Author Grace O was the featured speaker at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of the USC Keck Medicine complex. She was invited there to speak about her cookbooks and her FoodTrients website to Keck physicians and staff along with cancer survivors and their supporters. Grace O told the crowd of over 75 people in the Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute Seminar Room about how she began her journey with food and its healing properties. She spoke of the influence her parents had on her while growing up. She talked about her adventuresome palate and her willingness to […]
August 15, 2016

Summertime Grilled Chicken with Strawberry Relish

My easy go-to Summertime Grilled Chicken recipe just screams “summer!” Perfect for grilling on the BBQ or oven-roasted. The chicken is marinated in my Honey-Lime Dressing, grilled, and paired with my refreshing Strawberry-Avocado Relish for an immunity boost, a dose of antioxidants, and detoxifying support. Serve with corn on the cob or tortillas. The Honey-Lime Dressing is a very versatile dressing that you can toss with my Apple Barley Salad or with any mixed greens. The lime juice provides vitamin C, while compounds in the chili powder help to neutralize free radicals in your cells. If you want a spicier dressing, add cayenne pepper […]
August 1, 2016

What Foods Can Help Us Detox Our Bodies?

We can overwhelm our liver and its ability to pull toxins out of our body; yeast and parasites can inhabit our bowels; and secondhand smoke and air pollution can affect our lungs. So, about once every few months, or whenever I’m not feeling well, I go on a detoxification regimen. I like to cleanse my whole system through herb-spiked liquids, healing foods, and nutritional supplements. Pure water may be the ultimate detoxifying flush for kidneys, liver, lungs, and bowels, but green tea is also excellent.  Here is a list of my top 10 favorite detoxing foods: Artichokes Daikon radish Chia […]
May 31, 2016

Age Beautifully with Every Bite!

… The Age Beautifully Cookbook: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World has received multiple awards from: Independent Publishers Book Award (2016), Gold Living Now Book Award (2016), Gold International Book Award (2017), finalist, International Cookbook Category Gourmand World Cookbook Award (2017), National and International “Best in World” Awards for Innovation Grace O’s award winning Age Beautifully Cookbook, is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other book-selling sites. We don’t have a choice when it comes to aging, but we can choose HOW we will age – the foods we eat, exercise, and healthy habits can have dramatically […]