August 29, 2024

Is Your Food Feeding Inflammation or Fighting It?

Every food you eat is either feeding inflammation or fighting it. And because no one else is you, the foods that work well for someone else may not be right for your body. That is why you need a personalized plan to truly heal. In The Inflammation Spectrum: Find Your Food Triggers and Reset Your System by Dr. Will Cole you will discover how inflammation—which is at the core of most health woes—exists on a continuum: from mild symptoms such as weight gain and fatigue on one end to hormone imbalance and autoimmune conditions on the other. Whether your symptoms […]
August 27, 2024

Learning To Thrive in the Shadow of Alzheimer’s

What would you do if you knew Alzheimer’s disease was in your future? Jamie Ten Napel Tyrone was only 49 years old when she learned she had a genetic predisposition toward Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Her genes translated to a 91 percent chance that she would contract the disease during her lifetime. As a former nurse, and with her family’s history with AD, Jamie decided to take action rather than concede defeat. She founded B.A.B.E.S. (Beating Alzheimer’s By Embracing Science) to raise money and awareness in the search for a cure. Working with Marwan Noel Sabbagh, MD, and John Hanc, they […]
August 13, 2024

Want To Be a Younger You? This New Book Tells All

In Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s new book, Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better, her clinical pilot trial shows that you can shave three years off your age in only eight weeks by eating delicious foods and following common-sense lifestyle practices! While chronological age only moves in one direction, you also have a biological age, which is measured by assessing how your genes are doing. Exciting new research shows that your bio genes can actually move in reverse through only diet and lifestyle. To determine your current bio age, Dr. Fitzgerald’s book provides a detailed subjective biological age […]
July 30, 2024

Know How To Eat? This Book Makes It Easy

Shouldn’t “how to eat” be clear already? In a way, it is. Every animal knows how to eat, and only in humans (and the animals under their control) has this been perverted. In the last century or so, we’ve been led astray. And we’re so far from our origins that it’s proving hard to find our way back. Yet there’s nothing more important: Food is the fuel that runs every function of the complex human machine. It is the source of construction material for the growing bodies of children and all the replacements adult bodies require each day. What we […]
July 14, 2024

The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting Old

Aging—not cancer or heart disease—is the underlying cause of most human death and suffering. Scientists work diligently to combat individual diseases, but we never ask: Is aging itself necessary? In Ageless: The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting Old, computational biologist and gifted science writer Andrew Steele reveals an exciting effort by scientists to develop treatments for aging that could offer an astonishing extension to our lifespan and a vastly improved quality of life in our later years. In his new book, Steele charts the impressive progress scientists have made in recent years to secure biological immortality for humans […]
July 2, 2024

The New Menopause Offers Tools You Need for Wellness

A book may not be able to take the place of an in-person doctor’s appointment, but The New Menopause: Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts by Mary Claire Haver, MD presents an opportunity for a fresh start in how you are or will experience perimenopause (the precursor to menopause), menopause, and post-menopause, and how you approach your well-being during these stages of life. Many argue that menopause is a natural process, and we should just let it take its course. Dr. Haver believes that yes, the process is natural, but that doesn’t mean it is […]
June 17, 2024

Breaking the Cycles of Worry and Fear

Want to unwind your anxiety? Now, there’s a step-by-step plan clinically proven to break the cycle of worry and fear that drives anxiety and addictive habits. We are living through one of the most anxious periods many of us can remember. Whether facing issues as public as a pandemic or as personal as having kids at home and fighting the urge to reach for the wine bottle every night, we are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. But in his timely book, Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind, […]
June 1, 2024

Just Move: New Approach To Fitness After 50

You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old. Exercise is the one anti-aging treatment entirely in your own power. Take charge of your fitness with Just Move! Written specifically for people north of sixty by James P. Owen, a former couch potato who’s decidedly within that demographic, it aims to be inspiring, even empowering, while giving you just enough knowledge to create your own exercise program fitness basics you need to know with no confusing buzzwords or information overload. Former Wall Street rainmaker Owen was 70 when he decided he had to get fit. Years of […]
May 20, 2024

Sacred Cow: Making a Case for (Better) Meat 

We’re told that if we care about our health—or our planet—eliminating red meat from our diets is crucial. That beef is bad for us and cattle farming is horrible for the environment. But science says otherwise. Beef is framed as the most environmentally destructive and least healthy of meats. We’re often told that the only solution is to reduce or quit red meat entirely. But despite what anti-meat groups, vegan celebrities, and some health experts say, plant-based agriculture is far from a perfect solution. In Sacred Cow: The Case For (Better) Meat, registered dietitian Diana Rodgers and former research biochemist […]