Discover Our Anti-Aging Recipes

The worlds of food and medicine have never been as connected as they are today, but we all have much to learn about anti-aging superfoods and the health benefits they offer. The anti-aging recipes on are developed to deliver a variety of healthy aging benefits along with great-tasting anti-aging dishes. Each recipe includes one of our 9 benefit icons, which include anti-inflammatory recipes, detox recipes, antioxidant recipes, disease preventing recipes, immunity boosting food, recipes for gut health, and much more.

At FoodTrients, we believe that eating for longevity should be both delicious and functional. Healthy aging is about wellness and vitality, and our anti-aging dishes, superfood recipes, anti-inflammatory food, and articles are a great way to spice up your life and your health.

Discover the benefits of anti-aging superfoods and how to age beautifully with our, anti-aging recipes, cookbooks, resources, and health news!

January 20, 2023

The Forgotten Longevity Benefits of Taurine

The Japanese have a life expectancy that is among the highest in the world. In fact, , Japan’s famous “Island of Longevity,” likely has the world’s highest percentage of people over 100 years old. Undoubtedly, there are many factors that play into the life spans of the longest-living populations, but evidence shows that they all have one thing in common: high dietary intake of an amino acid called taurine. The connection between taurine and a long life is so strong that researchers have dubbed taurine, “The nutritional factor for the longevity of the Japanese.” Taurine promotes cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, electrolyte balance, […]
January 3, 2023

Greek Island Ikaria Is a Longevity Hot Spot

This is the fourth part in our 5-part on life in the “Blue Zones,” where people live longer, healthy lives. Each part will look into the diets and lifestyles of the areas where longevity is a normal part of aging better. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets? Ikaria is a beautiful Greek island in the Aegean Sea and is home to residents living eight-to-10 years longer than the average American (and with significantly less health complications). It is one of five “Blue Zones” in the world — a geographical region that is a longevity hot spot. A study done in 2013 […]
December 4, 2022

Sardinia: Another Blue Zone for Longevity

This is the third part in our 5-part on life in the “Blue Zones,” where people live longer, healthy lives. Each part will look into the diets and lifestyles of the areas where longevity is a normal part of aging better. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets? Sardinia is one of five “Blue Zones” — a concept first introduced in the early 2000s and defined as an area in which the population has exceptionally low rates of chronic disease and individuals known to outlive those in other parts of the world. Sardinia is the second largest Italian island and sits in […]
October 22, 2022

The Compassionate Connection

Why is it so hard for us to connect on a deep level with others, particularly those who are suffering? We constantly find ourselves interrupted and inundated with tasks and stresses. We are disconnected, sleepwalking through our lives, unable to help even ourselves. There is a better way. In The Compassionate Connection: The Healing Power of Empathy and Mindful Listening, Dr. David Rakel explains how we can strengthen our bonds with others—all the while doing emotional and physical good for ourselves. As founder and director of the University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine program, Dr. Rakel discovered that we become the […]
October 11, 2022

Emotional Distress Can Cause Premature Aging

Several studies have shown that the chronic stress or a stress experienced over a prolonged period of time can contribute to long-term problems for heart and blood vessels. The consistent and ongoing increase in heart rate, and the elevated levels of stress hormones and blood pressure can make body lethargic and exhausted. This effect of stress on our health has been reiterated in many studies and we are quite familiar with it. The new studies on stress shows social isolation, untreated depression, prolong anxiety attacks and long-term unemployment can speed-up the ageing process by shortening the length of each DNA […]
September 25, 2022

What is Osteoporosis And Why You Should Care?

Osteoporosis is a quiet condition that occurs slowly over time as we all get older. It is usually not discovered until we start breaking bones from simple falls or less. All of us are born with thin bones, and as we grow, our bones grow and thicken. So, when Mom said “eat your veggies and drink your milk to grow up big and strong,” she was telling the truth. Microscopically, bones are built like steel-girder bridges or scaffolds, lots of bone girders holding up our bodies. Our bones should be their strongest by about age 30. After that, our bones […]
July 30, 2022

Pursue Your Passions & Grow Bolder Not Older

Remember when you were a kid and your parents, or some older relative, teacher, neighbor, etc, told you to “act your age” when you were just enjoying yourself? What it really meant, though, was to act more mature, or older, than you were and forego the fun as well.  As a result, many of us learned at an early age to put enjoyment by the wayside in an effort to behave the way everyone told us we should for our age. Now that you’re older, acting your “age”, for some, may mean sitting around watching television but to others it […]
July 19, 2022

Make Your Own Anti-Aging Serum at Home

Late night infomercials are full of different doctors selling their anti-aging skin serums and formulas.  Although they may work great, they’re often too expensive for the average person to buy every month.  In addition, there’s something else about these formulas they don’t tell you – the potency of the vitamins in them can be greatly diminished by the time you receive them.  But you can get a high potency anti-aging skin treatment every week for far less cost by making your own simple formula at home.  Let me show you how… This Simple Formula Fades Age Spots, Decreases Wrinkles Vitamin […]
July 19, 2022

What Are 100 Year Olds Eating?

The secrets of an Italian village have long fascinated scientists from around the world. Scientists from Rome’s Sapienza University and the San Diego School of Medicine spent six months looking into why residents of Acciaroli and nearby tiny communities enjoy such extraordinary longevity—while also seeming to be largely immune from dementia, heart disease and other chronic conditions associated with ageing in most of the Western world. Acciaroli is part of the Cilento coast, a largely industry-free area that now has national park protected status. It was in Cilento that the late U.S. nutritionist Ancel Keys first established convincing evidence of […]
July 6, 2022

Successful Aging: Health Span Is What Matters

Neuroscientist and author Daniel J. Levitin emphasizes “that it is the interactions of genes, culture, and opportunity that are the biggest determinants of the trajectory our lives take; how our brains will change; and whether or not we’ll be healthy, engaged, and happy throughout the lifespan.” Recent studies show that our decision-making skills improve as we age and that our happiness levels peak at age eighty-two. In the ground-breaking book, Successful Aging: A Neuroscientist Explores the Power and Potential of Our Lives, Levitin turns his keen insights to what happens in our brains as we age. He looks at the […]
June 11, 2022

Variety Is the Spice of India’s Powerful Flavors

India is home to a wide variety of foods and cuisines based on region and culture. Northern regions often consume aromatic, savory gravies, stir-fries, and flatbreads, Southern regions incorporate rice, lentils, tomato and tamarind into their dishes, and those living on the coast eat seafood, rice, and coconut-based foods (very generally speaking). Many people in India are vegetarians while others regularly eat mutton and chicken. One theme seen throughout this country is the incorporation of spices while cooking. Not only do the spices provide powerful flavoring, but they provide some great medicinal uses as well. Indian cuisine is known for […]
June 1, 2022

It’s Time for the New Rules for Aging

Frank Lipman, MD, opens his new book The New Rules of Aging Well with, “In my medical practice, there’s something I see again and again: patients in their 40s and 50s who feel as if they’ve been betrayed by their bodies. They’re gaining weight, feeling exhausted, experiencing aches and pains, generally going south. They find that they’re getting sick more often, catching everything they’re exposed to and taking longer to recover.” If that sounds familiar, The New Rules of Aging Well: A Simple Program for Immune Resilience, Strength and Vitality by Dr. Lipman and Danielle Clara, is a must-read for […]
May 31, 2022

Natural Steps To Liver Health

When I suspected liver malfunction in one of my patients recently, he protested. He assumed that his liver was fine since he didn’t drink large amounts of alcohol. His assumption was a common one. Whenever I mention liver problems, most of my patients think of cirrhosis (associated with excessive alcohol consumption) or hepatitis, a viral disease with particular risk factors. They assume there’s not much else to worry about when it comes to liver health. Perhaps it’s an assumption you’ve made yourself. But just because you are not at risk for cirrhosis or hepatitis, that doesn’t mean you’re doing all […]