March 6, 2018

5 Foods To Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Clear

Staring at your gadgets, computer, as well as television constantly, can harm your vision. Make sure you
February 28, 2018

Iron Removal Could Be A Potential Cancer Therapy

Researchers at Okayama University report in Oncotarget a promising method for targeting cancer stem
February 27, 2018

How Weight Gain Changes Your Whole Body

Weight gain isn’t just a number on your bathroom scale. A new Stanford study has found that the entire body undergoes microbial, molecular and genetic changes changes for the worse when people pack on the pounds. When weight is lost, the systems return largely to their original state. Even just a modest weight gain of about six pounds, researchers found, alters the body’s basic biology. — potentially boosting the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Bacterial populations morph. Inflammation patterns shift. There are genetic changes in the cardiac system. “Your body is responding to a very stressful event,” said lead […]
February 27, 2018

Anti-Inflammatories Are the Secret Ingredients To Longevity

We hear about inflammation a lot, but what does it really mean? Put very simply, inflammation is our body’s immune system response when something is wrong, whether it’s infection, stress, or injury. Unfortunately, more studies are showing that inflammation plays a significant role in most of the diseases plaguing our society, including arthritis, heart disease, irritable bowel disorders, Alzheimer’s, Type 2 diabetes and even cancer. So what can we do to fight it? The good news is that there are many foods that calm inflammation in a variety of ways. They’re anti-inflammatories and they keep our arteries young and less […]
February 27, 2018

Food Power: Who Controls What We Eat?

LOS ANGELES, Calif (January 30, 2018)– Over recent decades, every aspect of the food production process has become controlled by fewer and larger companies. Multinational corporations have increased their reach over the entire food system, affecting consumer choice, farmers’ incomes, workers’ wages—and intensifying our dependency on large firms for access to food. At almost every key stage of the food system, four firms alone control 40% or more of the market, a level above which these companies have the power to drive up prices for consumers and reduce their rate of innovation. Researchers have identified additional problems resulting from these […]
February 27, 2018

Why Are Some People Happier Than Others?

Ask 100 people what happiness means to them, and you’ll get 100 different answers. Even Greek philosopher Aristotle knew the reason for that more than 2,300 years ago. “Happiness depends on ourselves,” he wrote in Nicomachean Ethics, published around 350 B.C. He asserted that happiness is a long-term goal—achieved throughout the course of a lifetime—rather than something that promises instant gratification. Aristotle believed that our quest for fulfillment as human beings includes pleasure, friendship, love, our moral character and the active search for truth and justice. Such a goal requires making choices, some of which can be difficult. He further […]
February 21, 2018

Eating Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy and Happy

We’re now more than halfway through American Heart Month, but that doesn’t mean the encouragement
February 20, 2018

Rejuvenate with Fasting-Mimicking Diet

LOS ANGELES, Calif (January 23, 2018) –The term “Fasting-Mimicking Diet” is being seen more often these days. Science Daily published a story on the results of a clinical trial here. The Wall Street Journal wrote about the diet in April 2017, and Forbes Magazine wrote about it in February of 2017. It has been gaining popularity in recent years because it seems to turn on genes that fight aging. Its creator, Dr. Valter Longo, the Director of University of Southern California’s Longevity Institute, created it in 1997 when he joined USC. This diet restricts your food intake to between 750 […]
February 19, 2018

EWG Applauds Bill to Warn of Asbestos in Cosmetics

WASHINGTON – Today EWG praised legislation introduced by Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., that would
February 13, 2018

How To “Rewire” Eating Habits and Lose Weight

LOS ANGELES, Calif (February 13, 2018) We are genetically wired to eat more and move less – the exact opposite of what health authorities advise us to do. So instead of berating yourself for struggling to lose weight or for ‘cheating’ on your diet, cut the guilt, arm yourself with this knowledge and follow Robb Wolf’s groundbreaking plan in his new book, Wired To Eat: How To Rewire Your Appetite and Lose Weight for Good. A cutting-edge view that goes way beyond paleo and proves that resetting your metabolism is not about which foods you eat, it’s about how your […]
February 12, 2018

The Importance of Dietary Fiber

Foods containing fiber help you in important ways, including keeping your digestive tract functioning properly. A high-fiber diet also can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. But how much fiber do you need and what ways can you get it? “It’s good to start your day with some high-fiber foods,” says Kate Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic dietitian. Zeratsky says the right breakfast can get you more than a quarter of the way to your daily fiber goal. “High-fiber cereals are an easy and tasty way to get your fiber in,” says Zeratsky. “Also, fruits are a good source of fiber, […]
February 12, 2018

Leucine Improves Endurance and More

If you’re interested in sports supplements, you may have heard of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) and perhaps even read about one of them with some good research behind it regarding performance enhancement: L-leucine. Of all the BCAAs, leucine has been the most thoroughly researched because during exercise, the rate of oxidation for this amino acid is higher than the others, isoleucine and valine. Leucine is known to stimulate protein storage in muscle and it is known that after aerobic exercise, it decreases significantly in the body and needs to be replaced. Leucine is found both naturally in food as […]
February 12, 2018

170 Million Americans Drink Radioactive Water

WASHINGTON – Drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that may increase the risk of cancer, according to an EWG investigation released today. Radiation in tap water is a serious health threat, especially during pregnancy, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s legal limits for the most widespread radioactive elements are more than 40 years old. But President Trump’s nominee to be the White House environment czar rejects the need for water systems to comply even with those inadequate standards. The most common radioactive element in American tap water is radium. EWG’s analysis of test data from almost […]