October 22, 2022

Top 10 Life-Extending Herbs for Longevity

Herbs have been used in traditional and folk medicines for centuries for treating illness. People throughout the ages also had something on their minds that we still do today…longevity. Some herbs do in fact have research indicating they help with healthy aging for a variety of reasons. Whether an herb is improving sleep, lowering stress, or boosting antioxidant status, they are likely working against biological processes that cause the body to age. DNA damage, free radical damage and dysfunction of the body on a cellular level all may contribute to aging issues including disease of the heart, neurological system, or […]
October 11, 2022

How To Go Gluten-Free as a Senior

As awareness of gluten issues grow, more and more people – including seniors – are being diagnosed with celiac disease and gluten allergies. While learning to live a gluten-free lifestyle can be daunting to anyone, it provides unique challenges to seniors over age 65. Here, we address some challenges seniors going gluten-free may grapple with. GETTING DIAGNOSED WITH A GLUTEN SENSITIVITY Once considered a disease that affects mainly children, doctors now know that gluten issues can affect anyone at any age. But for older people who may be grappling with other health issues, getting a proper diagnosis can be tricky […]
September 25, 2022

8 High Fiber Gluten-Free Foods You Should Be Eating

One of the downsides of following a strict gluten-free diet is that you lose a lot of your fiber sources, as many fiber-rich foods are wheat-based. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet for numerous reasons: It helps maintain an environment of healthy gut bacteria It helps with constipation It aids in healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels It helps treat belly bloat It makes you feel fuller for longer It helps you maintain a healthy weight It helps avoid complications like heart disease, diabetes, and colon cancer Long story short: fiber is crucial. Studies show the average […]
September 25, 2022

Undoing Medical Myths: Lies My Doctor Told Me

Has your doctor lied to you? Eat low-fat and high-carb, including plenty of “healthy” whole grains—does that sound familiar? Perhaps this is what you were told at your last doctor’s appointment or visit with a nutritionist, or perhaps it is something you read online when searching for a healthy diet. And perhaps you’ve been misled. Ken Berry, MD, FAAFP is here to dispel the myths and misinformation that have been perpetuated by the medical and food industries for decades. Dr. Berry’s bestseller, Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health, exposes the truth behind all kinds […]
August 30, 2022

What the Heck Should We Eat Now?

Bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman is here to set the record straight in Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? — his most comprehensive book yet — he takes a close look at every food group and explains what we’ve gotten wrong, revealing which foods nurture our health and which pose a threat. For many people, eating right is understandably complicated. New studies emerge every day about whether certain foods should be part of your diet, making it tough to recognize what’s good and what’s bad for your health. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Did you know […]
August 30, 2022

Top Ten Foods to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Top Ten Foods to Help Prevent Breast Cancer
August 15, 2022

The Top 50 Foods To Help Fight Diabetes

Need help fighting diabetes? The good news is that diet plays a major role in positively affecting health outcomes with this disease. Think beyond the blood sugars when assessing dietary management of diabetes – fat, fiber, and nutrients play a role in diabetes, cardiovascular and kidney health. Here is the ultimate Foodtrients® list of the top 50 foods for diabetes with a holistic view of the many factors related to this common disease. 1. Almonds Nuts go beyond being a fantastic snack; they provide a balanced source of protein, fiber and unsaturated fat for people with diabetes. This disease puts […]
July 30, 2022

Diet for the Mind Fights Memory Loss

As we age, our brains age too. Our ability to think slows down, and we may experience occasional difficulty in, for example, recalling where we left our keys or retrieving a word or name. By all accounts, this is considered a normal degree of cognitive decline. Several factors play into whether you will suffer from cognitive decline or develop Alzheimer’s disease as you age — lifestyle, health conditions, environment, and genetics, for example. But there is scientific evidence indicating that diet plays a bigger role in brain health than we ever thought. And thanks in part to Dr. Martha Clare […]
July 30, 2022

Gluten-Free Raw Walnut Brownie Energy Bites

By Ani Phyo        Decadent and rich, these are made with good-fat almonds and antioxidant-laden cacao and sweetened with fiber-rich Medjool dates. They provide whole-food nutrition, so enjoy as a snack or treat. These can be kept at room temperature for a couple of days or will keep for at least a week refrigerated. Ingredient tips: Bob’s Red Mill makes almond meal (flour), but if you can’t find it, just use whole raw almonds and process them into a powder using your food processor. Prep tip: Keep batter from sticking to your hands by lightly coating them with coconut oil, olive […]
July 19, 2022

Top 50 Foods To Support Muscle and Metabolism

Thinking about your muscle mass isn’t just for body builders. Every single person needs to focus on maintaining their “lean body mass.” Not only does this protect your ability to be active and live healthfully as you age, it is a key part of having a healthy metabolism. Muscle is so much more metabolically active than fat. The more muscle mass you build, the healthier your metabolism will be and the easier it will be to burn fat and achieve balance. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, so these types of foods are key but so are other […]
July 19, 2022

What Are 100 Year Olds Eating?

The secrets of an Italian village have long fascinated scientists from around the world. Scientists from Rome’s Sapienza University and the San Diego School of Medicine spent six months looking into why residents of Acciaroli and nearby tiny communities enjoy such extraordinary longevity—while also seeming to be largely immune from dementia, heart disease and other chronic conditions associated with ageing in most of the Western world. Acciaroli is part of the Cilento coast, a largely industry-free area that now has national park protected status. It was in Cilento that the late U.S. nutritionist Ancel Keys first established convincing evidence of […]
July 6, 2022

Crucial Vitamins You’re Missing On GF Diet

If you’re familiar with governmental dietary recommendations, you’ve probably heard the phrase rainbow on your plate. This means that different color groupings of foods generally represent different health benefits, meaning a colorful whole foods diet is a nutritious way to eat. This is great advice for anyone following a gluten-free diet because it demonstrates a very easy method for balanced nutrition through daily diet. Right? Well, right. But, it’s a little bit more complicated on a gluten-free diet because there are common nutrients missing as a result of not eating certain foods. These missing nutrients can actually be helpful because they give […]
July 6, 2022

Mediterranean Superfoods Are Health Heroes

You have probably heard of the Mediterranean Diet. Besides conjuring visions of sipping chilled prosecco overlooking a sparkling sea, this way of cooking and eating is a heavily plant-based diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, herbs, fish, lean meats (in moderation) and monounsaturated oils, such as olive oil. It’s a true farm-to-table diet that relies on locally produced/caught/raised foods. In a number of studies, people who live around the Mediterranean in Southern Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and Greece, as well as countries such as Croatia, Israel and Morocco, and live a mostly agrarian life tend to have lower incidences […]