February 26, 2013

The Top 5 Healthiest Cities In America And The World

Staying healthy is as much a personal effort as it is a community effort.
February 26, 2013

Chia Seeds: Health Benefit Pros And Cons

Many of you may not have known much about chia until it became a household word about a decade ago when chia “pets” were everywhere.  Remember those terra-cotta plant holders in the shape of an animal that grew chia plants out the top of the head? Chia seeds have actually been around since the days of the Aztec civilization when they were used for food, medicine, and currency and were highly valued. Modern health researchers have found that those same chia seeds have a lot of health benefits.  They can also have a few health drawbacks so I’d like to […]
February 8, 2013

Oranges & Vitamin C

At the first sign of a runny nose many of my patients load up on Vitamin C for its protection and relief from the common cold. Some take vitamin C in supplement form whereas others prefer to stock up on juices and fruits. What most people are surprised to learn is that an orange does not top the list of fruits for vitamin C content although it is the most common. Other fruits such as guava, kiwi, and strawberries actually contain more vitamin C than citrus.
January 30, 2013

Is “Frankenwheat” Fueling The Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic?

The FDA’s food pyramid says you should be eating between 6-10 servings of ‘whole grains’ every day.  For many people that translates into several wheat-based products throughout the day like toast or waffles for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, wheat-based croutons on your salad, wheat in soups and other processed foods, etc.
January 30, 2013

Viagra May Aid Weight Loss by Altering Fat Cells

Researchers in Germany may have
January 30, 2013

Strontium: The “Other” Bone-Health Nutrient

Like most of my patients, you likely know that you need adequate calcium in your diet to keep your bones strong and prevent against fracture, as you get older.  What you may not know is that there is another nutrient that is just as important as calcium that decreases your risk of fracture even more.  Let me tell you about this significant bone builder.
January 30, 2013

After-Meal Blood Sugar Spikes Increases Heart Attack Risk

Did you know that your risk of suffering from cardiovascular death is the greatest in the two-hour time period after you eat a meal? That’s partly because during that time, you can experience dangerous blood sugar spikes that acutely impair blood flow through vital arteries, ultimately leading to a heart attack or stroke.
January 1, 2013

More Men and Boys Are Obese

Men’s and boys’ obesity rates are catching up with that of women, a national health snapshot released Tuesday says. In the past decade, the prevalence of obese men in the United States increased 8 percent, and the number of obese boys jumped almost 5 percent, according to the National Health and Examination Survey. Female obesity rates increased less than 2 percent during that time. More than 78 million adults, and about 12.5 million children and adolescents are obese, the latest numbers from 2009-2010 show. For adults, that’s 35 percent of the population, and includes about 41 million women and more […]
December 19, 2012

The Top 5 Ways To Keep Holiday Pounds From Creeping On

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could eat what you wanted, skip the gym and still look terrific? Sigh. We all can dream, right?! Unfortunately, the majority of us mere mortals don’t live in that wonderful world, so as the holiday season kicks off, we start to worry about the extra pounds joining us for Thanksgiving (and New Year’s…and Valentine’s Day…and Memorial Day). Want to maintain your weight and eat some delicious treats this holiday season? Here’s our guide to keeping fit and healthy…and eating your cake, too. The top 5 ways you can keep the holiday pounds from creeping on! […]
December 17, 2012

Eggplant Extract: Can It Really Cure Skin Cancer?

You may have read, or heard about, a cream called BEC5 (brand name Curaderm) that claims to heal non-melanoma type skin cancers.  The active ingredient in this cream is reported to be eggplant extract.  Earlier in the year it was featured on Dr. Oz’s popular talk show blog and ever since I’ve had questions from patients about whether or not it works. That’s why I’d like to give you some information about eggplant extract and the reported skin-cancer healing properties. First, let me give you some information on skin cancer. Skin Cancer and Sun Exposure – Too Little vs. Too […]
December 17, 2012

The Top Eight Nuts For Your Good Health

It’s that holiday time of year again when food and snacks are everywhere.  It’s almost impossible to ignore the lure of snack bowls filled with candies, nuts, and chips, at parties or office get-togethers.
December 7, 2012

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Most diabetics do not know what causes high blood pressure. Diabetes is very closely linked to high blood pressure – a condition also known as hypertension. It is estimated that about 75% of adults that have diabetes also have high blood pressure and that a person with diabetes is about twice as likely to get high blood pressure as someone without diabetes. Discover what causes high blood pressure. Start today to change those risk factors you can control. Always prefer to use digital blood pressure monitor for monitoring blood pressure level. High blood pressure occurs when arteries become filled with […]
December 5, 2012

High Caffeine Energy Drinks Could Pose A Health Hazard

Recently a 14-year-old Maryland girl died after drinking 2 Monster Energy drinks in a 24-hour period.  One 24 oz can has as much caffeine as seven 12 oz cans of regular soda.  That means this girl took in 14 times the amount of caffeine in 2 cans of regular soda in 24 hours.  It was also learned that the girl had an underlying heart condition which this jolt of caffeine aggravated and lead to her death. In addition, at least 4 other people have died after drinking high-energy drinks. As a result, the FDA has stepped in to investigate, not […]