April 23, 2024

Women’s Health Over 50: Top 4 Labs You Need

Women’s health is a complex topic, especially as you age. A crucial area of focus for overall health and preventing chronic diseases is your nutritional status. If you are a woman over the age of 50, or you have someone in your life who is, it is important to stay up to date on labs that help indicate your health and nutrition status. As women age, the body experiences significant changes, including hormonal shifts, leading to a higher risk for chronic health issues. Consistently monitoring certain labs can offer insights into your health and guide you to prevent nutritional imbalances […]
April 23, 2024

10 Ways To Eat Healthy and Save Money

  Eating healthy on a budget is not just achievable, it’s an excellent way to energize your body and mind without straining your wallet! Changing your diet (for the better) and buy less expensive, yet still high quality foods is key.  You might be surprised to know that there are many relatively inexpensive foods that can actually improve your health.  A few of my patients shared some of the ways they were able to cut their food bills, and I’d like to pass those on to you – my readers.  I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well you […]
April 23, 2024

Feeling Anxious? Relax with Holy Basil

Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States. Roughly 18% of Americans have this condition and many go untreated. It’s actually estimated that about two thirds of those suffering forgo medical treatment. Many are concerned about the side effects associated with anxiety medications, and rightfully so. They’re not exactly risk-free. Luckily, there are a number of safe herbs that not only alleviate anxiety, but offer additional health benefits as well. Below, we’ll explore the anti-anxiety effects of holy basil, one of nature’s best stress-relieving herbs. Holy Basil Offers Multiple Health Benefits Holy basil has been used traditionally in Asia for thousands of years. […]
April 23, 2024

Want To Reverse Disease? Here’s How To UnDo It!

When you make a mistake on your computer, there’s often a very simple way to fix it: just select the “undo” option. It’s like magic – allowing you to reverse what you’ve done and proceed as if it never happened. If only there were as simple a solution to our health problems! Dean Ornish, M.D., has directed revolutionary research proving, for the first time, that lifestyle changes can often reverse—undo!—the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases and even begin reversing aging at a cellular level. The Ornish diet was developed in 1977 by Dr. Ornish, […]
April 9, 2024

Here’s Your Guide to a Gluten-Free Pregnancy

It’s certainly common to worry during pregnancy. Things like what vitamins to take, what to eat, how much to eat and what to pay attention to when getting blood work done are just some of the common worries that women have. These questions carry even more weight for those of us who have celiac or gluten-intolerance. A few months ago, I shared my personal journey regarding celiac, fertility, and successfully getting pregnant once starting a gluten-free diet. Because I was diagnosed with celiac just a couple of months before I became pregnant, I had lots of questions. Were there extra steps I […]
April 9, 2024

Spring Vegetables Are Ready for Action

After a very challenging winter (at least here in Southern California where we actually had blizzards that left ten feet of snow in the local San Gabriel and San Bernardino mountains), we are so ready for spring! In most of the country, you can get most any vegetable any time of the year, because we import many items from places like Mexico and Central America. But beginning in March and April, spring vegetables are ready for action and local produce becomes readily available at markets—farmers and super. Here are a variety of spring vegetables that are especially sweet and delicious […]
April 9, 2024

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Us?

Ever wonder if all those too-good-to-be-true-sounding claims about apple cider vinegar (ACV) are true? Let’s break down the research! ACV is created from ripe, high-sugar apples that have undergone a fermentation process to convert the sugar to alcohol and then to acetic acid. Many of the health benefits of ACV are linked to the “mother” — a combination of yeast, probiotics, and enzymes created during the fermentation process. The “mother” is the cloud-like glob in the bottom of the bottle of many ACV bottles on the market. ACV has long been considered a cure-all in some traditional medicine circles, but […]
April 9, 2024

Fight Allergies and Inflammation with Nettles

You may have noticed nettles growing alongside your hiking trails and avoided them because of their notorious stinging bite. But next time you’re out, think about bringing some gloves to collect them – nettles are a nutrition powerhouse! Stinging nettles are one of nature’s many superfoods so read on to learn about the nutritional and healing benefits of this medicinal plant. Growing naturally in many areas of the world, there is good reason that nettles have been used medicinally in Africa, Asia, Europe and America for centuries. Chemical compounds have been identified in the roots, leaves and hairs of the […]
April 9, 2024

Embracing Elderhood: A Plan for Longer Life

Finally! A practical guide to walk you through the process of planning for a longer life. Using her years of experience as an Elder Law and Estate Planning attorney, and the personal lessons she learned walking her own parents through this process, Laurie Menzies explains, in practical terms, the best way to plan for this stage of life. Her book, Embracing Elderhood: Planning for the Next Stage of Life, does not provide answers to the crisis of aging—instead, it offers options that are available both to the families with the foresight to plan, as well as to those who made […]
March 27, 2024

5 Ways to Prevent UTIs and Improve Bladder Health

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and can be quite uncomfortable and even dangerous to your health. They occur when bacteria, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), enter your urinary tract and multiply in your bladder, causing an infection. The most common symptom of a UTI is a burning sensation when urinating, but other symptoms can include bloody urine, abdominal pain, fever, and the need to urinate often or urgently. Women are more likely to experience UTIs than men, with more than half of all women experiencing a UTI at some point in their lives. The role of diet in […]
March 27, 2024

Probiotics May Improve Your Quality of Life

Probiotics are trending as a hot topic this year because these good bacteria are gaining more scientific evidence that they support human health. Linked to aiding gut health and supporting good bacteria in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract, probiotic foods are growing in popularity. Read on to learn more about the role of probiotics in your health and how to include them in your diet today. Probiotics are live organisms used to increase good bacteria in the lower gut. Common probiotics include lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and saccharomyces which are all strains that can be found in a variety of foods you […]
March 12, 2024

12 Ways To Practice Happiness Daily

On a quest to achieve richer fulfillment in your life? While happiness may be relative, there are actions you can take every day to keep your mind positive and your body at its best. Here are 12 happiness activities to exercise daily, excerpted and adapted with permission from the book The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky. 1. Express gratitude Bolsters self-esteem; encourages moral behavior; diminishes feelings of anger and bitterness. Strategies: Keep a gratitude journal. Express gratitude directly to someone else, either in person or by writing a letter that you can send or keep. 2. Cultivate optimism Prompts […]
February 26, 2024

CRP: A Critical Marker of Inflammation

Have you ever wondered how you can know if you have inflammation in your body or not? Inflammation is a natural process in the body that’s critical to healing from a wound or illness but if left unchecked and chronically high due to irritation from a poor diet, lack of sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, underlying chronic disease, or high levels of emotional stress, the body can experience long-term, damaging inflammation. To determine if you may have systemic inflammation, a C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test is a simple way to see if you might have high levels of this protein that […]