November 22, 2015

Exercise Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer

With the increasing awareness of the importance of breast screening for early detection of cancer, breast imaging has found a place in todays diagnostic armamentarium. The common imaging modalities are mammography, ultrasound and MRI. Mammography is the investigation of choice and is an essential part of screening programmes in the West. Mammography and ultrasound are corroborative and are generally done together. MRI finds a place in the evaluation of dense breasts and in multi-centric cancer, said Dr Padmaja Canumalla, Specialist Radiologist, Zulekha Hospital, Dubai. The high risk factors in breast cancer are patients with mother/sister having cancer breast or cancer […]
November 21, 2015

The Power of Blueberries

Blueberries are among the few blue foods found in nature. They owe their appealing color, as well as many of their health benefits, to their anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are plant pigments with antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, and antidiabetic properties. In addition to these benefits, blueberries have, in a number of studies, demonstrated a remarkable effect on the brain. Blueberries Support Brain Health An article published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine explains that flavonoid-rich foods such as green tea, cocoa, and blueberry increase the expression of neuroprotective proteins in the brain. In addition, they increase the connections between neurons, improve cerebral blood […]
November 3, 2015

Grapefruit Juice Supports Healthy Arteries

Want to hydrate your way toward a healthier heart? Then you may want to consider adding grapefruit juice into your diet. Why? Because a recent study found that grapefruit juice enriched with the bioflavenoid naringenin actually improved a marker associated with arterial function. The results of the study were published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Grapefruit Juice with Naringenin Decreased Arterial Stiffness Previous research shows citrus bioflavonoids support blood vessel function. They strengthen blood vessel walls, decrease bruising, prevent bleeding, and heal hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids are swollen veins). Of the group of citrus bioflavonoids, naringenin stands out. For the current study, […]
November 2, 2015

25-Minute Walk Could Add 7 Years To Life

New research shows that exercise can delay the ageing process, with experts suggesting one walk a day could halve the risk of heart attack death and add seven years to the lifespan. Just 25 minutes of brisk walking a day could add to seven years to your life, heart experts have said. Researchers said moderate exercise could halve the risk of heart attack death among those in their fifties and sixties. Researchers said moderate exercise could halve the risk of heart attack death among those in their 50s and 60s. Provided to China Daily The new research, recently presented at the European Society […]
October 27, 2015

Echinacea Fights The Flu

The flu is not something to be taken lightly. To date, it’s surprisingly still one of the leading causes of death, claiming the lives of thousands each year. So what you should do if you develop flu symptoms yourself? This is a legitimate concern, given the risks at stake. In a previous blog, we’ve outlined a very detailed protocol, which you can find here. And now, according to a recent study, echinacea may also help to fight symptoms of the flu. The results were published in the journal Current Therapeutic Research. Tamiflu and Echinacea Were Similarly Effective in Fighting the […]
October 27, 2015

New Method of Detecting Prostate Cancer

New imaging technologies are helping doctors target lesions on the prostate that can harbor cancer
October 27, 2015

Stop The Misery of Eczema with These Natural Methods

  If you’ve got eczema that flares up from time to time, or is chronic, you know how uncomfortable, and embarrassing, it can be.  You’ve likely tried every skin cream and/or prescription medication that’s out there.  But, you may have never been told that eczema flares may actually be linked to the health of your gut.  Let me tell you why… Probiotics May Help Your Eczema More Than Drugs Eczema is a condition governed by the autoimmune system.  It presents itself as an allergic dermatitis.  Researchers now think that flareups of eczema are linked to fungal overgrowths in the gut, […]
October 26, 2015

Sunflower Seeds: Nutritional Powerhouse

Sunflower seeds may be small but nevertheless they are still a powerhouses of nutrients, a rich source of easily digestible protein which is essential for the repair of tissues, nerves, and cells. Research shows eating them on a regular basis helps lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. They have a wide range health benefits due to the fast array of nutrients they contain. A fertility aid They can help boost your fertility as they contain high amounts of zinc. Zinc is a well-researched mineral that is essential for the development of sperm in men and it […]
October 24, 2015

Beets Show Major Health Benefits

Americans generally don’t like beets. People online put the bulbous red root on par with anchovies, chicken liver and Brussels sprouts. It’s hard to hit a root too low, but people typically say that beets taste like dirt, with less hostile commentary simply referring to them as “earthy.” Even President Barack Obama says he doesn’t like beets, which are never served at the White House, although it hasn’t sparked the level of controversy generated by President George H.W. Bush’s disdain for broccoli. But research now is rooting for the beet as the Steve Jobs of the vegetable world — generally […]
October 18, 2015

What Are The Benefits of Cryotherapy?

In what can only be described as “utterly cool,” Dr. Travis Utter, a Daytona Beach chiropractor, recently installed a Juka Cryosauna machine to assist patients with a variety of pain related issues. The high-tech chamber, which looks like something out of a science fiction movie, uses liquid nitrogen that needs replenishment at least once a week at $200 a tank, according to Dr. Utter. While in the chamber the patient is asked to keep moving in quarter turns with a temperature inside the chamber that cannot exceed minus 250 degrees F. Patients are not allowed more than two sessions in […]
October 12, 2015

Vitiligo Can Develop As You Get Older

Vitiligo can be a depressing condition to live with. Generally, people get it in their younger years and live with it throughout their life. But, late onset vitiligo, occurring after 55 years of age, is also becoming more common. But, a couple of new treatments are showing new promise in treating vitiligo. New Non-Drug Treatments for Vitiligo Vitiligo is a skin condition marked by many, or just a few, white patches of skin and/or hair. Singer Michael Jackson brought vitiligo to greater public attention as he developed the condition in his early 40’s. It’s estimated that about 2% of people […]
October 11, 2015

Can Marijuana Treat Cancer?

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a plant native to Central and South Asia. Its fiber, otherwise known as hemp, has a long history of usage in rope and paper products. Equally long is the plant’s history as a religious sacrament or recreational drug, due to the effects of its psychoactive component, tetrohydrocannabinol (THC). Although its effects are reportedly mild when smoked or ingested and its rare potential for addictiveness is believed to be psychological in nature, the plant was demonized in the United States during the early part of the 20th century and classified as a narcotic, right alongside heroin. […]
September 29, 2015

Study Links Cancer and In-Home Pesticide Use

WASHINGTON – A new study by Harvard researchers provides disturbing evidence that children’s exposure to household insecticides is linked to higher risks of childhood leukemia and lymphoma, the most common cancers in children. The analysis also found an association between use of outdoor herbicides to lawns and gardens and higher risks of leukemia. “It is very troubling, albeit not surprising, to see additional scientific evidence linking pesticide use to childhood cancer,” said Ken Cook, EWG president and co-founder. “The findings confirm parents’ worst fears that they could be unknowingly exposing their children to harmful chemicals that can lead to serious, […]